At this year’s first formal event of EU Sustainable Energy week (EUSEW),which was carried out digitally on 25-28 October 2021, five of the best European clean energy projects and leaders took awards in the categories – Engagement, Innovation, Woman in Energy, Young Energy Trailblazer and Citizen’s Award. The winners from categories Engagement and Innovation were selected by an expert jury and the others through public voting with over 12 thousand votes.
Here is what the EU Energy Commissioner Simson said about the 5 winners:
“The projects and individuals that are being recognised today are not only leaders in transforming Europe’s energy landscape, they are role models. Their work is a testament to the importance of citizen engagement in making the European Green Deal a reality. We’ve been working hard to develop policy instruments, which guide and support action on the ground, and it is truly inspiring to see this vision at work. Together, we are bringing Europe closer to its climate goals.”
The Engagement award was given to EnergyNeighbourhoods for its program which encourages citizens in Hungary to save energy and recognizes activities that inspire and motivate citizens to practice and adapt to more green and eco friendly energy usage habits.
LIFE-DIADEME recognizes EU-funded activities that show an innovative path toward the clean energy transition and because of its public lighting scheme which reduces emissions and improves pedestrian safety, won the Innovation award.
The Woman in Energy award was given to Brigit Hansen, Mayor of Frederikshavn for her leadership in climate planning and recognizes the activities led by women that help to advance in the clean energy transition in Europe while contributing to the European energy climate targets.
The Young Energy Trailblazer award was won by Filip Koprčina for his contribution in the democratization of solar energy ownership. The award recognizes the activities carried out by young people (aged under 35) which help the transition towards clean energy in Europe and inspire others to take action.
This year the public decided that The Citizen’s Award is going to be taken by RenOnBill for bringing financial institutions and utilities together to increase renovation uptake. The award recognizes the initiatives and individuals who work on innovating the ways to reinvent Europe’s energy landscape. 6 projects in total were competing in the Engagement and Innovation categories and were up for consideration for this award, as well.
For more information check: https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/winners-eu-sustainable-energy-awards-announced-2021-oct-26_en