Concept for Improvement of Curricula
The green and digital transitions are reshaping the economy, moving it towards a resource-efficient, circular, digitized and climate neutral economy, and with this – transforming the world of work, in which new technologies, digitalization, artificial intelligence and robotics are expected to create new jobs, change existing ones or replacing others. These transitions require constant and dynamic shifts in skills sets of young and adults to acquire, upgrade and update skills that keep pace with the needs of economy and labour market.
Economies and societies will need to adapt to these rapid changes by preparing current and future workforce through training and skills development. Innovative and adaptable curricula, training programmes and materials belong to the most important instruments in this process.
By bringing to your attention the “Towards Green Construction and Energy Efficiency: Concept for Improvement of Curricula in Secondary VET in Construction” the BEE-VET project team intends:
- To ensure maximum transferability of the learning outcomes acquired through theory and practice learning irrespective of the country where the qualification has been obtained.
- To facilitate the formal recognition of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies across Europe in the construction sector and enable continuous vocational training abroad.
- To ensure coherence and exchange of the best-practice across different countries.
- To contribute to closing of the gaps between the qualifications obtained during formal education and the needs of the labour market.
Download the publication in English, Bulgarian, German, Slovak, Turkish.