The Sofia High School of Building, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev” has been established in 1909. The VET schools providers education to approx. 900 students per annum, distributed in the following vocations: Construction/building Technician, Technician in Gardening/Green areas, Geodesist, Real estate broker.
The school provides secondary VET specialists which are sought on the labour market and usually got successfully employed in different fields of construction, architecture, geodesy, real estate due to their professional training received at the school. The mandatory training programme includes Construction of Buildings, Construction materials, Architecture, Water and Road Construction, Construction Technology, Water and Sewerage Systems, Supervision and control of Construction, Geodesy, Cartography, Special Planning, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate Assessments and others. The students develop skills to make designs and technical projects, to conduct construction activities and to supervise such as well.
The VET staff includes 82 highly qualified experts, incl. Construction Engineers, Architects, Geodesisits, Economists many of which have graduated from the same school. The teachers from the school often take part in working groups, coordinated by public authorities, and have developed a number of VET training plans and programmes. Some of them are authors of textbooks in the field of “construction technicians” and “geodesists”.
The school is well equipped with computer classrooms (75 working places in total), work-shop areas and a library. Thus the students develop good digital and language skills (incl. an option for studying a second foreign language). They also learn to work with a number of specialised software products like AutoCad, Revit Building, Building Manager, Vectorworks etc.
The students take part in a number of extra-curricular activities which help for improvement of their professional competencies and communication skills (e.g. European club, School Parliament, The Debate Club; other competitions like: Your Class, Best Young Builder, I can build etc.). In a number of cases they have received awards in these events, incl. for best eco-innovation in Junior Achievement Bulgaria Contest.
The school maintains close link to business and takes part in the annual events of The Week of Construction in Bulgaria. Partners of the schools are companies which are confirmed leaders and brands on the market, such as: Wienerberger, San Marco, Henkel Bulgaria, Ceresit, Baumit, Ytong, PipeLife.
The Sofia High School of Building, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev” has experience and has taken part in a number of international projects incl. Transnational mobility – practice for Eco Constructions (LdV, 2007, BG/06/A/PL/16066), "Construction - IT Green" “Multimedia and e-training materials in the construction of green buildings (LdV, UK/06/B/P/PP-162_605), "HELP" – HOLISTIC ENTREPRENEURIAL LEARNING PATHWAYS (LLP-2012-LEO-MP-19), Mobile and Successful in Europe, together with the construction chamber in Bulgaria (2017-1-BG01-KA 102-036073), Erasmus + Mobility - Reconstruction of existing buildings in energy-efficient (2017-1-BG01-KA102-035909).
The teachers support the professional developments of its students by providing them with practical experience in the field of energy efficiency and the latest trends in that area. In that aspect the school is aspired to adapt and to improve the existing training plans despite the lack of sufficient and mostly structured information on the subject.
Tel: +35928661271, +359888364688