Ortaköy 80.Yıl MTAL is a vocational and industrial high school with 1200 students, located on the way of Samsun-Kırıkkale, in a rural area of Ankara. It also provides adult education (for age 20+) to the learners who have no chance to get their education at daytime because of their ongoing working life. Most of the students come from the underdeveloped area of the city whose families have lowlevel income and educational background. It is an area that appears very cheap to live in, for the population which comes from the outside of the city esp. from the far east regions of Turkey to settle down, Syrian refugees also nowadays getting training around the school.

The School has also finished several major projects – it was a coordinator of a 2 KA202 SP (www.evet. eu and www.mega-vet.eu projects with its own style e-learning platform), a 1 KA204 (forming a platform www.healthy-project.eu) and a partner in a number of projects, e.g. in 3KA202 (www.3mvet.eu, www.erovet.eu, and another platform https://cpip.7m.ro is just to provide doctors with a knowledge portal on below the knees vascular surgery diseases), which contributed both for improvement of the staff skills to manage such projects but also for improvement of the quality of VET in the school and for improvement of the students’ skills and knowledge.

Our vocational school covers a number of areas which are oriented to construction and buildings, incl. Electricity - Electronics Technologies, Machinery Technologies, Wood Technologies, Metal Technologies, Climating and Ventilation Technologies. In the recent years the construction sector is developing quite fast and its requirements towards future employees are growing. In the same time the level of interest towards these vocational fields is getting lower. The problem affects both the VET being provided and the construction sector, as the training programmes currently do not sufficiently cover the new and innovative approaches used in construction. That leads to lack of skilled work force in a number of areas, including the field of green, sustainable and energy efficient construction.

Our graduates are most often unprepared for the work they actually face in companies. This is due to the fact that the real work experience, new buildiing materials and construction technologies used by the companies in the sector, have little in common with the training provided in school. At this point, we consider it crucial to develop new/updated topics (training and guiding materials) together with companies and the BEE-VET project would impact tremendously not only our school, but also other VET schools in the region and nationwide.





Tel: +903123990771; +903123990770