On 15.10.2020 was held an International Project Meeting under the project 2019-1-BG01-KA202-062584 “Transforming VET in Construction – Innovative Materials for Building and Energy Efficiency” (BEE-VET), funded by Erasmus + Program, Key Action 2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices in the vocational education and training.
Due to the COVID pandemic, the meeting took place in a digital environment through the ZOOM platform. It was attended by representatives of each of the eight organizations, partners in the project – publisher for professional literature RAABE Bulgaria; Sofia High School of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”; a leading manufacturer of building materials BAUMIT Bulgaria Ltd.; Austrian University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM; Vocational Training Center from Turkey ORTAKOY 80.YIL MESLEKI VE TEKNIK ANADOLU LISESI; a company for the production of thermal insulation ERDEMLER SOGUTMA AS – Turkey; Vocational School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy – Slovakia and Slovak publishing house EXPOL PEDAGOGIKA.
During the meeting an overview of the implemented activities so far was made, the schedule of the planned meetings and trainings was updated; issues and deadlines concerning the implementation of the next planned activities were discussed.
More information about the project can be found at: www.beevet.eu.